Admission Policy


Anyone who wishes to be considered for admission to Legacy School in any year group must complete the online registration form (Click to visit forms' page)  to be eligible for consideration.

New entrants to Playgroup or Nursery classes:
  1. A: Legacy will hold an Open Day for parents only to attend. If you do not attend the Open Day, you will not be eligible for consideration for entry so please ensure you send someone if you are away. You will be informed by email of the date of the Open Day, which normally happens in January or February prior to the year of entry.

  2. B: AFTER you have attended the Open Day, you will be emailed a time when both parents (mum and dad) and child (for Nursery only) must come to school to meet with the school administrator. This meeting will take 20 minutes. If your application is successful, you will receive an email with next steps for registration. Places are only secured once you complete the financial requirements within the deadline the school sets. Unfortunately, if your application is not successful, we cannot give any feedback as to why.
For any other year group:

If a spot becomes available in older classes, the school will look at the waiting list on  the online registration form (Click to visit forms' page) This may happen at any time during the school year.

If the spot is for Year One or above, there will be an assessment in English, Mathematics, Arabic and Islamic Studies to determine whether your child will be able to settle into our system and what help they might need beforehand. There will be a fee charged to cover the cost of the assessments. We cannot give you feedback on the assessment results – we will just let you know whether your child has been successful or not